Friday, June 22, 2007

Casual Friday

I have a pretty urgent prayer request. Sharla has come into contact with a woman who is dying of AIDS. She has six kids ranging from the age of 18 months to 14 years old and it is possible that we might be taking them in for the summer if she passes away. If we did do this, we would only be caring for them until we found a family for them. Nothing is certain, as Sharla is still getting all the facts and we aren't sure how urgent the woman's need is. She has a husband who is also dying of AIDS. Please pray for guidance for Sharla and the Makarios staff in getting the correct information and for what this might look like for the rest of the summer and for Makarios. This may not be the only possibility for the woman, as she is seeking out other possibilities for her children, so pray for her and for God's will with these children.

Today was a great day! Barrett, Grace and I took public transportation to the village, as usual. Let's just say, our guagua experience was my favorite so far. They piled 20 people into a van that should have only seated 11 or 12 at the most. I was pretty much sitting on a Haitian man's lap. We could not stop laughing.

We had our second day of Camp Pancho Mateo today, and I would say it was another success! Of course, it was still organized chaos, but a success nonetheless. The best part about the kids is that when we pray, they repeat every word you say. I loved it! After we prayed, we sang several songs--the Spanish versions of "Father Abraham" and the song that goes, "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart" among others. They absolutely love to sing and they already knew all the songs so that was great. We taught them this rap that Barrett had made up and they danced around to it and that moment is probably one of my favorites so far!

We had some Bible stories to read them so I split into a smaller group with about six kids and read to them. God blessed that time because I was able to communicate with them and they understood and quickly answered some of the questions I asked them about Jesus.

Oh, and it was SO HOT! I'm getting used to it.
This is the view from our roof.

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